CS300 : Your Support Means The World To Them


Radion : Back for a couple of weeks  


Its kinda of strange. Businesses have their meetings in meeting rooms or over a game of golf.
Today as I got back to our outreach branch in Phetchabun, and my staff brought me to the jungle.

If you just hear the conversation and ignore all the mosquitoes, children screaming as they find a fish, you'll imagine it to be in a meeting room. But add the environmental sounds, you know that its just not the same.

Today we brought the kids out to the river to hunt for their dinner. It was a whole lot of fun and climbing up and down, into rivers and streams. But through it all, when you come back with aching muscles, you know you are getting on years.

Anyway, I'll be flying back to Singapore till end of the month to do some awareness building and get some paper work done. So the same rule applies. Those who need me to speak and present to your groups, please drop me an email and I'll slot you guys into my schedule.

Thats all for now. Heading to Bangkok tomorrow.

What next?

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