CS300 : Your Support Means The World To Them


StreetKids! Jun 2009  


Streetkids! Program
An outreach work aiding children from the following area of need :
1 ) History of drug/substance abuse
2 ) High risk family background (drugs/prostitution)
3 ) Abusive & special needs

Each child is tagged to a sponsor who will then commit on a year to year basis to put the child through the program. Each child cost SGD96/month and this includes everything. Yes, everything. From the clothes, to the day care to uniform to hygiene, everything is taken care of.

So this is the picture that some of you have been asking for ;)

Notes : We need more sponsors for this program for newer children undergoing probation or joining the program. Please write to eugene@radion-international.org if you wish to be placed on the sponsorship queue to sponsor the next child in need.

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