CS300 : Your Support Means The World To Them


My last on every trip  


You know, every single time I head up to the refugee camp. I spare no effort to put in my very best even if it means getting all dirty and dusty.

One staff asked me "Pii[Older brother], how many boxes should I put on the truck ?" I always had the same reply "As many as we can take"

This mission we managed to bring the warm clothings for 5 groups totaling some 774 families.

For me, I cherish each outreach mission like a last. Like the last day for the Hmong before they return and like the very last day where I live.

This is especially true in view of the Hmong people's upcoming deportation where we really won't know what will be of them.

The last mission was extremely stirring when I spoke in my broken Thai to the Hmong leaders
I asked "Have you heard of the deportation plan back to Laos next year"
The leader replied "Yes. Please help us if you can....thank you for everything. We'll remember you"

And for these people who have been forgotten.... I'll remember them in my prayers too and may the Lord bring about a miracle for these people.

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